Garmin is one of the international leaders of the GPS market. Since 1989, date of its creation in United States, Garmin provides innovative GPS technology to challenge customers. With 30 years of innovation and high requirement level, Garmin advocates the slogan « built to last ». Garmin GPS crosses ages and succeed in adapting its technology through demand and innovation expectations. Nowadays, Garmin offers products for automotive, marine, aviation, sports and outdoor activities. At the heart of the automotive GPS range, Garmin launched a new range called Garmin Nuvi. Garmin Nuvi is very famous and contains a lot of different products. If you’re here to update your Garmin Nuvi GPS, you’ll be pleased to know that every Garmin Nuvi of the range can be updated. Let’s see how to update your Garmin Nuvi now.
Garmin Nuvi : most famous models
First, you might not know that Garmin provides a lot of Garmin Nuvi models. This table shows some of the most used Garmin Nuvi GPS :
Product | Price |
garmin nuvi 57lm | 168$ |
garmin nuvi 57lmt | 180$ |
garmin nuvi 57 | Not sold anymore. |
garmin nuvi 205 | 198,99$ |
garmin nuvi 255w | 180$ |
garmin nuvi 350 | Not sold anymore. |
garmin nuvi 1300 | Not sold anymore. |
garmin nuvi 1350 | Not sold anymore. |
garmin nuvi 1450 | Not sold anymore. |
garmin nuvi 1490 | Not sold anymore. |
garmin nuvi 2595lmt | Not sold anymore. |
garmin nuvi 3597lmthd | Not sold anymore. |
Garmin Nuvi was very appreciated by customers years ago. Today, most of Garmin Nuvi are not sold anymore because they have been replaced by a new range : Garmin Drive. This new range is composed by four different types of products : Drive, DriveSmart, DriveAssist, DriveLuxe. First of all, there is the classic Garmin Drive, used as a driver assistance. Then you find the Garmin DriveSmart for a connected drive. In the same range you have the Garmin DriveAssist. This GPS is equipped with a camera. Finally, Garmin provides a premium product called Garmin DriveLuxe.
About the Garmin Nuvi, even if it is not sold anymore, a lot of customers still use those products. That the reason why you will find here a simple and practical way to update Garmin Nuvi GPS.
Update your Garmin Nuvi
Why should you update your Garmin Nuvi ?
Using Garmin Nuvi enables you to drive with self-confidence. Moreover, Garmin Nuvi offers a premium GPS technology and is very helpful for drivers. Nevertheless, using a Garmin Nuvi with an old map not updated is useless. With highways perpetually in evolution, it is important to update your Garmin Nuvi map regularly to offer consistent itinerary. Use a GPS similar to reality avoid mistakes of itinerary and all the dangers linked to the road (stop, traffic light…). It’s a fact : roads, prohibited direction, stores and others are created every day. That’s why you should update your Garmin Nuvi maps.
How to update Garmin Nuvi GPS ?
In order to update easily your Garmin Nuvi, you can use Garmin Express, a software dedicated only to Garmin GPS updating. Using Garmin Express is really simple. Actually, you can download Garmin express on Windows and MAC through Garmin’s website.
Garmin Express software enables you to easily update your GPS but also to save and manage all GPS data. To summarize, you can download every maps you need and put it in your GPS memory through USB connexion. As a bonus, Garmin express sends you notifications to inform you of the most important updating to do.
Currently, there is an explanation of the use of Garmin Express and the right way to update your Garmin Nuvi without issues :
Step 1 : download and install Garmin Express on your computer
First, you need to download Garmin Express software on your computer. In order to download Garmin Express, go to Garmin’s website . Here you have to choose between windows or MAC download. Once the software downloaded, follow the instructions to finish the installation. As you know, Garmin Express can be use for Garmin Nuvi but also for Drive, DriveSafe and Zumo.
Step 2 : connect your GPS to your computer
Before updating your GPS, you have to connect your GPS to your computer. First, take your GPS out of your car, truck or motorbike. Then, with a USB cable, connect your GPS to your computer and wait during the loading. If it’s the first time you’re using Garmin Express to update your Garmin Nuvi, you might need to connect to your Garmin account manually. Otherwise, the connexion will be automatic.
Step 3 : access to the updating possibilities
This is time to install your updating maps. To download updating maps, insure yourself to have a high internet connexion. To start, add your device and locate your Garmin Nuvi GPS. Garmin Express software will research all of the updating possibilities available and you will see them on a list. Select all the updating propositions and let your Garmin Nuvi connected while updatings are loading. Once the download finished, you will have all the free apps and other updatings available. At this moment, you may need to buy updating maps licences. If you already have the map licence, you can install the maps you need on your computer. Garmin Express software downloads the updating maps on your device. Downloading can takes some time especially if your internet connexion is slow. In order to succeed in downloading the map, we recommend to use a SD or microSD card. Insure yourself to have enough memory to receive the Garmin Nuvi maps.
Step 4 : unplug your Garmin Nuvi GPS
Once the downloading completed, eject your Garmin Nuvi to unplug your device safely and unplug your USB cable. Finally, you just need to put your GPS back to your car and use it as much as you like. Enjoy !
Garmin Nuvi updating prices
To update your Garmin Nuvi, you have 3 prices options. You’re free to choose the option that corresponds the most to your needs and budget. There it is, the different options :
● nüMaps Guarantee : when you just bought your Garmin Nuvi, the map already available can be an old and not updated map. So, you can update Garmin Nuvi for free during the 90 days after your purchase. Garmin offers you this possibility to use the brand new map version for free. Take your chance !
● nüMaps Onetime : this option enables you to update a single time your Garmin Nuvi GPS. To do it, you will have to pay. Here you can choose the region of the world you want to purchase . As an example, the map of North America (49 states) costs around $59. In order to know if you have to buy a map, you can check on Garmin’s website if a new map version has been launched for your Garmin Nuvi.
● nüMaps Lifetime : is the most financially attractive option. It enables you to update 3 times a year your Garmin Nuvi during its whole life. You can drive free spirit totally and safely with all your maps always updated. This option costs around 100$.
Finally, update Garmin Nuvi is very simple and practical to drive safely. You have all the information necessary to update your device and how much you’ll need to pay. Choice is yours !